Wānanga Tahi
Introduction to
Honohono Tahi
Honohono is an Ancient form of Māori spiritual healing, this Modality will teach you a lot about yourself as well as understanding energy and how it works in our bodies. By learning these techniques you will become more confident in your abilities to heal yourself, family friends and animals.
This is a 2 day workshop (4 hours per day).You will learn about:
Mãori healing principles
Your personal essence and energy
How to shield and protect your energy
Locating issues within the body
Where and why people store emotional blockages in the body
How to harness energy
How use energy to heal areas of the body
Introduction to other healing tools and their purposes.
Chakra's, colours, tones
How to use what you have learnt practically.
This introduction is a 2 day intensive 4 hours per day workshop.
Limited number of people due to content covered.
Shared lunch both days.
The exchange for Wānanga is $600
This is 1 of 4 Wānanga available and package deals are available.
If you are looking to just work on yourself and your loved ones, this is a perfect entry point!
If you feel this is a part of your calling please look at the package discounts.
We look forward to sharing Honohono Mātauranga (Knowledge) with you!
Fill out the Registration form on the Workshops page and submit your application for one of our Wānanga Tahi in an area near you.